sábado, 16 de junho de 2018

The "irreversibility of time" (...) 399

The "irreversibility of time" (...) 399

Our absence for a while has been the reason why other indispensable tasks that require proper concentration were mainly due to the study of other themes.
So we return to this space to talk about Stephen Hawking, a cosmologist who was buried yesterday at Westminster Abbey, where remains of physics figures lie like Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
Of note are some of the most relevant people in the history of the United Kingdom from monarchs and politicians to scientists and writers, notably the scientist Ernest Rutherford, pioneer of nuclear physics and Joseph Thomson, from 1937 and 1940 respectively.
As for the physicist Stephen Hawking, he graduated from Oxford University and later from Cambridge where he taught.
From the content of his research, Hawking wrote several books, some "bestselling", made conjectures according to which "the idea that" universes are infinite. "
And through this thesis he affirmed what he would call "infinite multiverse" due to the multiplicity of universes, he maintained.
The theory of his collaborators, the American physicist James Hartle and the Belgian physicist Thomas Hertog, according to them, affirm "that the multiplicity of universes and for their understanding is so deep and effective that it is believed that there will be new universes ?! "
From the knowledge that we have obtained we highlight some of the concerns that we should have with our Planet, a plural house, that is wanted tidy.
There is an impressive environmental challenge with the occurrence of climate change, the extermination of species, and acidification of the oceans.
However, it is important to highlight some aspects that Hawking, in a conference pointed out: the current global space where we live, talking about artificial intelligence, said: "it will probably with this situation extend the destruction of jobs"
Emphasized that financial inequality is increasing, in which "many people see only their standard of living, it takes a vision of the whole and pursue aim to achieve a happier and healthier life" "end quote."
Accordingly, it is the duty of everyone to preserve the planet we live in, to foster a better life for generations to come.
Therefore, we believe that this man besides astrophysicist a genius, who formulated, a theory according to which is in his equation: S = tract of fraction pi K c elevated power 3, about 2hG the law of universal gravitation.
Having laid the foundations of modern mathematics, Darwin, author of the theory of evolution.
However, we point out the fact that this man was our contemporary because he left us last March.
Faced with the disease that affected him, described as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, degenerative syndrome that paralyzes the muscles of the body, which was contracted when he was 21 years old, having subsisted between five to six decades.
However, we see this tremendous truth that we are perishable matter and that it did not break the rule and that we end the cycle of life in this current material world where we are inserted.
For this particular situation, the concrete case, the occurrence of organic bankruptcy, which is irreversible.
In this respect, the global world in which we live is essentially material, because we live in matter, composed of perishable body-matter, which is our organic and material constitution.
Beyond this material component there is another spiritual component, another "status."
That to the present our global world where it is not possible to know, because it is another "dimension" (...).
For no one after having "passed away" from this material life we ​​have lived has come back, this is resurrected.
That is why we affirm that this life that we live, and therefore the present one, is unique and indivisible, having as its prerogative to live this current experience as an obligatory experience, because it obviously ends.
Thus, in the expectation of being able to leave some more perceptions about our theme the "irreversibility of time". António Cardoso

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