segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 313

Each person lives a presence, a determined existence in the great "temporal space" that circumscribes it to a certain "time of life".

Which is, concretely, the time of earthly permanence, that a certain person lives in "material life", while physical existence subject to body perishable matter.

It is what happens to the human condition to live a "life-time" in a matter-body, susceptible to natural laws by the phenomenon of its degradation.

Since mankind is thus constituted organically by perishable body-matter conditioned to a certain permanence as a "life-time,"

That each person will inevitably have the time that fits him whether X or Y, however is variable from person to person.

Human nature is understood as a "sui generis" model an organic and material formation, which lives in the present global space where we inhabit, conditioned to a "life time", which for that purpose subordinated to a material body.

And in the case of matter, it inevitably extinguishes that it is its purpose, curiously the same "destiny" of humanity, to end up as physical existence, which lives in a perishable matter-body.

In this material context that underlies "human fragility", which foresees the end of the matter, this radicality "without appeal nor aggravation", after all is the material content of the human species with this tragic end the extinction of matter is a fact.

The vulnerability that occurs in mankind in general and in the particular person, because he holds a body matter, while physical existence to live a "material life."

It is, however, the human reality and is still expressed by the limitation of a given time, as "time of life",

If we consider that the "life-time", which is clearly fixed in terms of a healthy, vigorous life, is taken by vital signs that translate to health and well-being on the one hand.

On the other hand, the opposite case is to consider the organic bankruptcy that occurs in "someone," when it ceases to have these vital means that it ceases to live because bankruptcy means its extinction.

Thus, it is especially evident to accept the intrinsic "condition" of human precariousness, which is translated by its fragility submitted to a short duration, which means that life is only ephemeral and sudden and fleeting.

Hoping to leave some more considerations on the subject the "irreversibility of time," we did so. António Cardoso

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