"The irreversibility of time" (...) 398
Since August of last year we have left this page blank because other urgent themes that impose our necessary concentration, in view of the necessary use that must be retained, was the reason why we were temporarily absent.
So, in the face of the news of Stephen Hawking's physical disappearance this week, I could not let the moment pass without our thinking, which goes like this:
Yes, indeed, this man marked a time, we consider our contemporary, we lived until a few days ago moments of great "ephemerality", because it left us just this week, his physical bankruptcy, arising from organic and material degeneration.
After all we are right when we emphasize the "truth" that we are perishable matter that is degraded, obviously by the occurrence of organic corruption, once we are formed of this specificity, irreversibly overcome by material death.
But continuing to talk about this man, we had coincident points to which we were perfectly in agreement and we have the fact that if we do not take care of this "plural house" we inhabit certainly we will pay the bill "later."
Although such a "malaise" already resents the way in which we deal with natural resources in which neglect, indulgence and exacerbated suffering of having and possessing the maximum in which economic interests overlap, at any cost, even for this calls into question the desirable human quality of life, since the "last that closes the door."
In fact, for us humans, such irresponsibility. This man who surrendered the spirit and who lies certainly in the "anonymity", because nobody knows where it went.
Although we have stated peremptorily that we are matter, yet another dimension of supernatural life will occur in the spirit-soul strand.
Certainly, the "status" that human understanding is to those who understand it, given the underlying obscurantism, perhaps premeditated (...).
That it is not possible for the present material world to know of another dimension (...), because we have been extrapolating what will occur subsequently (...) ?!
Being that to experience the material life that we live is imperative, and it may even be stated that it is obligatory to live in the present world in which we live clothed in a perishable material body.
As for the spiritual aspect, which we believe to be the ultimate destiny of this man, perhaps of all mankind, once submitted to the end of a life that lives and ends in the present global space where we are inserted.
It is true that we have also extrapolated to this immeasurable truth and certainly it is not peaceful in the way we approach it in our themes under the title. "The irreversibility of time" (...).
It is evident that this same time that enslaves us, that we learn to live with it, to represent, each one in his role, with more or less protagonism, but this is life.
As for this man Stephen Hawking, we admire we confess above all the courage to confront the irreversible disease that threw him irremediably into a supposed inertia, yet never succeeding in overcoming him, because he stubbornly reacted to this adversity.
Writing and pursuing his conviction of the "physical man," which was the specialty allied with his "alma-mater" which he believed, to which he made considerable points of view and remarkable warnings, that in "bathing" the resemblance of " small flame "that is consumed (...).
In the time we live, we have also mentioned in our discourses that the anxiety of "living" for humans is a constant and this man did not escape the rule marked by this anathema of life "lived" in an unstable situation.
So it remains for me to wish peace to his soul, and the life that has lived "discontent" may be compensated in another dimension of life ... for the deficit of a life that he had to live in these circumstances.
Hoping to leave some more insights on our theme the "irreversibility of time". António Cardoso.
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