quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2017

"The irreversibility of time (...) 346

The time that takes place in the life of the people constitutes certain experiences that have obtained by the practice of knowledge.

It is through experience that other horizons are discovered with practical experiences and various paths with trends and immense probabilities.

Being that the knowledge acquired makes certain issues that do not arrive at any concrete situation, when they are uncharacteristic in their context, to become misfit and unreal.

Given lifelong knowledge that is useful to be used at the right time and time, because experience is based on values ​​that can decipher "supposed" realities.

This experience is gained by everyday knowledge an exercise that is done and accurately reflects that "one day is different from the other," especially by the lucidity and sensitivity that must be continually improved.

It is a good goal to include experiences, to critically appraise situations, to draw consequences for their interest in overcoming and finding examples of conduct based on morals and the affectionate and discreet manner as it relates to people.

It is evident that social inequality in various extracts of society happens, above all through the vain "elitist" culture, which they consider apart from the society to which they belong.

Prejudice, which is neglected by all, especially to avoid confrontation and unreasonable discussion, certainly there is a "question of time" to clarify some mentalities that act still in ignorance.

Thus the experiences of the past, also continue, in the present time to "instill" in the citizens the duty of citizenship and civility.

The "common good" and healthy coexistence is the task of all in society, to watch over the order and tranquility of the public, and to maintain the continuity of this design is equivalent to the harmony and well-being of all.

Thus, experiences converge in all directions, concern morals and good manners, society by obedience to laws and regulations, people to each other for the duty of cordiality and friendship, which is acquired throughout life.

It is in fact the adaptation of several experiences, that you can find one that is the paradigm that a person seeks, in relation to his particular case and that relates to his happiness.

It has been said that "happiness is not bought", but certainly that experiences help to some extent, given the knowledge one has "avoided" entering a certain path, which is not.

The lived experiences are the "guarantee" of how the "way to go" is small and unstable, because happiness is something more serious is a life that one wants to take on.

The routine of some experience, well or unsuccessful, serves as an antechamber, the resemblance of a "passing" environment of what goes into the de facto situation, is not therefore a definitive situation.

It is during "time", because after many "failed" experiences, because in this question of "happiness" there is no "healthy remedy" the positive outcome, one wishes is "happiness" may be actually happening.

So in the expectation that we can leave some more considerations on our theme the "irreversibility of time". António Cardoso

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