sábado, 7 de maio de 2016

"The irreversibility of time (...) 97

There is no denying the advancement of technology in that time will watching developments in its entirety, from place to place the inmost place circulates a continuous flow through the Great Network that absorbs "his spots."

It is from their localities fall within the universal movement in which cibernautica articulates with all these mechanisms to enable a deep relationship between them and the roads.

In the time we live our relationship with the world "our global world" is one that is closer and more accessible.

And yet the technological diversification especially by offering certain domestic, business technology for large specific groups, sole traders, goods and services that are authentic news.

It is in fact the Internet heterogeneity from A to Z in all areas in which humanity relates there is always the appropriate mechanisms to obtain case information case.

In several areas of scientific knowledge and the scope of experiences in other areas, at the mercy of mankind.

Online publications, comprehensive news daily information, which includes services and entertainment, local or regional portals with the present state or city.

Which concentrates diverse forums and content across a range of services available.

The time contemplating with some perplexity (...), the astronomical numbers of users circulating on the Net in various sites this "planetary whole."

Whose perception of pulses daily accessing this network are incalculable numbers immeasurable greatness by making humanity the "determinant par excellence" because it results in favor of it.

The proximity information is not exclusive or specific to certain target, but today is the plurality of information that interests everyone in general, the dynamics that these issues have and their relevance in society.

With digital appearance two decades ago, was the clear sign of total detachment, with regard to manual labor.

And to give way to an emerging digital implementation that has extended its range of action that is universally widespread becoming "obsolete" certain practices and activities that were previously carried out.

But once the time "wowed" with this new technology, an attitude in the general market was established to maximize corporate power.

Mainly by profits galvanizing that was the reality at the expense of other "mechanisms" in disuse.

Jeopardizing the livelihoods of some considerable part of the working masses holds the labor market of these works "manual" by replacing the digital age.

Are two sides of the same coin, which on the one hand technological progress, no doubt that we welcome on the other hand the removal of this labor market.

It has been avoided and caused a lesser evil, with the creation of alternative measures for replacement of that labor market and to be gradual in other specific areas.

A risk caused by the precariousness of this working masses who paid the "price" of this progress. However without resentment, because the evolution of goods and services on the market today "speak for themselves".

Either by evidence or demonstration, and the effectiveness indelibly marks this success.

Progress and development at all levels that have brought these technologies aimed at the advancement of humanity who knew how to hold to overcome these difficulties, it is the same today come to enjoy better quality of life and well-being.

Thus, our speech sought the exact direction to leave a few considerations on our theme "irreversibility of time." Antonio Cardoso

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