quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

"Conscious and subconscious"

Scientifically it can be said that the conscious fails to fulfill its mission when it is subjected to a non-local but general anesthesia.

It is true that this state because it is a specific case because it is not a normal state logically, our body is to live in this state, according to which, because some of its valences is not being used.

In the case of the conscious and subconscious, it behooves us to say that anesthesia inhibits the "person" to carry out its personality because the mind can not infer the conscious connections to the "work", such as to reach the impulses, messages, incentives, etc., as has been usual, surely this "lapse" of inoperative time that the conscious activity, obviously.

The mind is the one who distributes "work" for the conscious and the subconscious, is a close relationship between them by what is in this way that they act.

The conscious and the subconscious are inhibited by this state, if eventually the "person" remains under a state of anesthesia that leaves no colleges temporarily because it is under the influence of this state.

The mind because it is at the top of the hierarchy is it who comes all the work, we consider a "intelligentsia" which has its "staff" conscious and subconscious.

It is natural that many times a large number of people momentarily lose their faculties, for various reasons, leaving the disabled with the mind connections to conscious and subconscious.

You must be life (...) beyond life this immeasurable greatness, as already acquired, there are still other necessary elements, one is the mind that must be in perfect harmony with the members of all the well-structured organic body as our.

Members of our organic body are all essential for the proper functioning of our body, each with their specific valences, because the command orders are always directed to the body, being aware that you receive, it is him, the reason, rationality, balance, perception logic etc ,.

These are connections received by the "intelligentsia" that mind which distributes these actions to the conscious and subconscious.

Often there is a "void" in us throughout our set, our organic state we belong to, called the human body, it is predisposed to the different situations that may eventually occur.

One of which is "empty" we talked about above, gives us the feeling that we are not connected to "nothing", "we are nothing", not on the horizon, no worries, we are not focused "on nothing" or because they have already finished our work and came back the next day we are off, if we are at home or not, or elsewhere (...), but perceptions remain inactive, there is no "sense" of "nothing" 
Are moments that happens in humans, there are people who are always focused on "something" in the "work" studies ", the concerns (...), leisure, sport, etc ,.

But there is a period of "white" unfilled, are unemployed, give us total freedom, you can also say that it is alienating (...). However passengers are those moments, because everything dissipates, and back to normal.

The conscious and subconscious, has a solution for these situations, given their experience, especially the subconscious is more insightful, is enabled when these things happen, because he is the holder of memories that sometimes like to go back in "time and congratulate time.

The subconscious beyond their specific job has this "performance" that is unique and acts as quality "can get" in temporality these experiences because it makes archiving all situations.

So our discourse continues to focus on the perceptions we have about the conscious and subconscious theme. António Cardoso

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