sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2016

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 27

The "irreversibility of time" because it is our theme and with it we have been investing all we know, and we try our books to understand at all levels, one supeior level that is life for worked through in precisely this "irreversibility" understand your why.

Because life is so important (..) We thought that this concern "infinite" that drives us to the unavoidable, even for what we want, or not, is good and nostalgic tell oft-repeated phrase. "Oh, life ... because I compel ".

That's life this contingency that we are undergoing, attempting a dark horizon and discovered to have lucid view that the way in which we tread lead to "irreversible goal."

Achieved this "goal", a commitment to her, who knows (...), to finish the term of "life on earth" and now at the mercy (...).

One must be aware of this, especially with the beginning of our existence, the very first followed by freedom because life (,,,), not just this "goal."

We have pointed out, that there will be a passage, that our theme gives the name of "Metamorphosis", why not resign ourselves to this ephemeral "earthly life", because as life and as it exists (...) is packed with all the properties to be indeed.

Thus we have found that life should be healthy, vigorous, with mental and psychic health when these fields are completed, life is effective and harmonious, leaving no doubt this absolute greatness.

Indeed, in the previous excerpt, were two questions, quote: After all who we are, and What are we?!?!. Thus far, we answer the questions for the last three paragraphs of this our discourse.

So having it as we have it raises the question of the preserve and it is no coincidence that medical advances have converged in this direction.

There are times we talk about the second cell to which searches tveram place "cell Senesciência" which endorsed the study as "telomere shortening," we came to the conclusion that when "telomere shortens the cell dies." This knowledge of the American medical anatomist has reputation by proving the prolongation of life and hence its longevity.

So we have to safeguard for the terms in abundance, I mean life (...) obviously is our obligation, ensure, watch and see that this esteje well.

The "irreversibility" is a "turning point" of no return in our lives. So be prepared for this "turning" is absolutely responsible to stay alive, knowing this fatal reality. Because being irreversible is something that is imperative, therefore, its inevitability.

So we do enter these "borders" are not ignorant of prominors of convergence, for all this to happen, that is, the "irreversibility" against the "status".

Are the questions so that the look does not become static or indifferent, but only aware that (...) it is something essential and that all interests.

It is the superficiality that our perceptions refer, without omitting. That's how purposeful it is, not to tire our interlocutotres. Gradually and sharply focus the focal points. Because the essential should be developed for better clarity of our idea that our theme has suggested.

But it is our intention, precisely, "leave open" this theme, drawing subtly what we set in our speeches in order to desencdear, not like a novel, and eager to get to the end (...), but the daily learning with the unusual which are sometimes referred to by us.

And as we said, not the "narrative" we want to go, but this philosophy "nsípida and scathing" where sobrenagtural also has a word, because so want it to be.

Because everything in life (...) is compartmentalized in a particular place and place connections in today's global world in which we live more than ever, they are visible even judge can not be what it is today.

Are progress at all levels, technology has taken over our lives. And indeed, it is relevant because it, technology, walks with us, taking "time" giving their contributions needed to either enjoy a better life.

Because that success to success has been a con stant even to the point of extrapolation to think that our imagination is fertile that the connections to the complacency settles in fact in our lives.

It is for this reason that this comfortable life in the universal currency provides that technological innovation is essential to offer mankind the excellence in everything you do, better.

So hand in hand with the progress our speech synthesized our theme the "irreversibility of time." António Cardoso

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