terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2016

"conscious and Subconscious" (...)

The conviction we dream begins to take shape in a content about something we think following our reasoning and take in the exact direction for our theme is our speech.

Continue to infer the concerns we have about the conscious and the subconscious is rational and urgent, because so many digressions, perceptions to seek within us some "hidden restlessness," disguised not to be known to others.

It is defending the privacy of this secluded inside where everything is kept because it is particular to be his limited knowledge.

The conscious and the subconscious are engaged in this great universe of situations that remain, sometimes for a long time itself, and conscious living in "distress" not to release this "latent nightmare."

The time has gradually dissipated, leaving only so far only a reminder that as a "flash" that occurs briefly leaving this "strange" nostalgia.

The conscious and subconscious do everything to refrain from "accessory", leaving only to solve the essential all the rest is of no interest, filing up then.

There is the experience gained from absorbing all that is likely to cause embarrassment to the conscious and the subconscious.

Indeed are concerns that either conscious and subconscious know because they result and usually face the knowledge of situations, these are remedied.

The conscious and the subconscious, want welfare of everyone, especially those who by trust them, a certainty accompanies that conscious not the fool is the voice of truth, reason, rationality, balance so that stability is a fact.

The conscious and subconscious inteiram up for all situations that may occur spontaneously such as perceived by the mind, which it uses for the impulses, messages, stimuli. etc.

The mind is who perceives situations, because the control is exercised by him, with the conscious and subconscious employees.

The conscious and subconscious seek tranquility, living in the moment every moment, which are several times and all are reviewed.

It is clear that when something happens, and being "strange situation", the solution has to be suitable for effective and getting settled, redoubling her attention.

The conscious and subconscious belong to the human assets, it therefore constitutes "psychic, mental and psychological state."

We can say no "margin of error" that for humans that we are, in view of its importance, that from person to person, in its particularity, for driving this design diversity, that only the man and woman have the quality: rational, logical and moral.

This greatness of being "human" fades by the boldness of belonging to the constitution of this body and organic compounds on the one hand "stuff" that is body-perishable matter, and partly on the soul, so spiritual state.

And this "final status" which attaches to our existence, that is "imperishable" and "inaccessible". To reinforce this statement is the "soul" will not go out, it has its "status".

It is complex to assert any extrapolation on "imperishable" and "inaccessible" are two conditions for which there is no basis for any discussion. We know for example: the "soul" this inaccessibility will always exist.

You have "conscience" of the supernatural, because the human being, adds to a part that is the "soul and spirit", and is a "mental and psychological" state, where the mind develops its junctures by perceiving the " real "and" surreal ".

Because what is "real" is tangible, concrete case, for example, be thirsty, go and drink water: The "surreal" Another example: being in the presence of a dream, and when we wake up, everything fades (.. .).

We found not to be true what we dream. However, this "virtual" never come to a conclusion. Our mentality travels to this addition, it is a "perception" something beyond us to understand. Again, a prediction, a good warning, or not.

The human mind is made of positive and negative connotations and that "dreams" which are periods of "absence" of rationality, because we are unable to use it because we are asleep.

The conscious is as we have been saying, the guarantor of the feasibility, rationality, balance, reason and well-being.

The conscious is founded the noble values ​​that dignify as people and physical assets, body-matter and supernatural soul or spirit and converging, making us the individuality we are.

So our speech followed this direction took us to our conscious and subconscious theme. António Cardoso

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