terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 65

Time is the "intention" by which something (...) that our imagination idealizes as true, however, this phenomenon is real or not, especially because it happens in the mental domain that consciously intuit the presumption of viability of this plan.

In fact the purpose of achieving some objectives, reside in psychological well-being, whose psychic and mental balance underlies translated the emotion of joy and happiness.

However, this state is contagious harmoniously our general condition in which labor relations or friendship, family and emotional ties are an undisputed fact.

The state of mind is essential in certain individuals whose activity is driven by acts and actions justified by the consideration and rationality.

They are the bonds that keep connected the individual and society for effective targeted experience and envisaged for the future related to the emergence of the manifestation of his individuality as a citizen and the obligations it has to the society to which it belongs.

Time to society and the individual, centered in the present moment translating high aspirations for the purpose of providing a new dominant social order and the integration of the social and values ​​intrinsic to society.

The time for "live" with both the individual and society, can not allying situations, on the contrary take appropriate party by interfering directly in these matters, coordinating with the activities to be developed around the "your time" social being indispensable contribution.

Time is a key factor analysis of reality by ambition not to allow society jeopardize their obligations for humanity.

Has the duty to organize, create and articulate the necessary mechanisms with objectivity and timeliness, it is the guarantee of the consolidation of its proper performance.

The time for putting in a privileged position for its "grandfathering" face humanity and also for their "status," his condition "temporal", makes efforts to contribute to achieving better results because it revises this circumstance and you say respect.

Especially the merit of the new "modern times" in which knowledge is leading our lives by offering a number of benefits from many areas, allowing humanity better social integration and consequently a more healthy and prosperous living.

The time to live in the past "obstacles and difficulties", has the experience of "modern times" because they are different, on a technological perspective, today humanity is better equipped of a whole that ensures the sustainability of comfort and welfare .

It is progress, "determinant" of this undeniable reality, so the time "remembers" with some nostalgia to those times that "everything was so difficult," and now, especially the merit of these "new times".

Humanity has the ability to reverse the severe and unfavorable situation. The fight against "illiteracy", the "obscurantism", divisions and dissenssões and deprivation at all levels, committed the "past".

Although with some "remnants", "here" and "there" in this our current situation, in which the whole of humanity "gradually" has to free himself of this "scourge".

So our speech followed by the precise direction can leave some more insights on our theme "irreversibility of time." Antonio Cardoso

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