sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 68

Time is the "attitude" in which drives to achieve the objective that lies in our core and remains "latent", without which no solution is found (...).

Especially the "deadlock" of a series of constraints, needless to enumerate, but insight suggests that in fact it efectivará.

The time knows the "adversity", to live the obstacles and difficulties, however, mold us to verticality to the acts and actions leading to the establishment of social welfare, the relationship with the institutions to ensure the best conditions of life in society.

The relationship that develops with time the individual and society acquires more notoriety for the link between them for effective strengthening of these relations arising from the visible benefits of creating infrastructure.

And consolidated in which its members feel worthily represented by the society to which they belong.

Time records all worthy moments, with which it welcomes, the efforts made and the resolutions that have been fruitful, to be relevant these actions with satisfactory results.

It is clear that the progress of societies go through the laborious work of effective and experienced management providing the company in question the success of the contribution of all the responsibility in which all are called to integrate.

The vision that mankind has on society is the guarantee of adequate representation of its members, creating specific meanings in particular give a sense, a reference that identifies all in society.

For example, under a specific orientation, based on "someone" that place or "city" and as a way to honor, noted something important: at work, in the most diverse activities,

"Someone" who distinguished himself "by some event, etc. are trademarks, labels that remain indelible and are connoted with place, city, etc.

To identify certain place, always associate the society, the people, the country, the city, the place etc., is the recognizable shape of the importance of this society, especially the referenced people "of this place," City X, is impregnated by something (. ..) that characterizes it, people, facts, acts, actions, events, etc.

It is the mark of the city that goes around the world, this issue is plural and there, however, the "self-centeredness" latent a rooter bias is also evident, with residual in some members of a given society, the demonstrated exuberance.

Society is not a "cluster" of members, is much more than that, there is "an awareness" assertive and not prejudice the more "hidden" places "speak for themselves"

These quantities and quirky wonders indiscriminately in all cities are steeped in a "story" that is relevant and dignifies.

Societies become more social, by incorporating diverse representations, there is always the connotation of the city X, Y be the one that is, in the dignified sense of the word.

Socialization of all these representations, institutions, private and public, bring affections and ties with which there are cities that never abstain these "labels" are that way because they are known.

There are meanings worthy of the name, because the autonomous societies promote the individual, create automations to view the visibility of these members, other actions, forums, specific institutions,

Depending on the areas they dominate to provide them with access and due recognition and progression in their careers.

So our speech, sought to find the exact direction can make a few considerations on our theme "irreversibility of time." Antonio Cardoso

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