quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2016

"The irreversibility of time (...) 74

In social life where the individual and closely linked humanity, by defining a strategy, according to which aims to strengthen social relations so that one and the other can enjoy the benefits harmony and well-being.

The individual in society towards nature, which has always tried to win even in adversity by the weather it causes in their environment, he believes in his soul and entrepreneurial force in order to develop their potential.

The work time is predominantly the work activities for the community with the prospect of improving the modern means of production, adequate mechanization and infrastructure to increase productivity.

The time in the company comes up with the most relevant for making possible the importance of the solutions of the main activities of humanity in order to survive, characterized the work back to earth to extract the benefits of natural resources.

The various crops and other food crops in order to ensure autonomy of farmers allowing a harmonious and sustainable continuity of the resources on which humanity depends for survival.

The time available for agricultural work, is expressed by the overwhelming desire to produce the goods taken from the earth that humanity apace intends to implement for farmers by the belief coupled with the possibility of their selfless work.

The preview for a better future lies in the subconscious of each, as expected and also the reward of this work the need for a dignified and happy experience that projects for posterity.

The individual brings hope for you to face the future, especially by breaking the old patterns of human relationship that prevailed so far.

However a new relationship began in this motivation for a change of attitude towards the present time and that was more authentic and ambitious for the next generations.

The dominant social time sick several times that triggered action by a community characterized by demonstrations with a view to the emergence of a new social order for the community.

The promotion of all individuals in the community for the sharing of social values ​​between society and the individual to be more effective.

The company guarantees the maintenance of life expressed the willingness of its members to organize themselves to implement the urgent and urgent activities to coordinate with other institutions to identify the essential needs.

So our speech, hoping you can leave a few more considerations to our theme the "irreversibility of time." Antonio Cardoso

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