sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 167

The time is one that all it is submitted because everything happens around him, he is aware, by the way to illustrate this:

It is the paradigm of the whole situation that occurs; events, unusual, circumstantial or not, acts and actions, events and celebrations, inauguration and birthday or anniversaries.

So it is time this immeasurable "greatness" at the mercy of our lives "for free", because since our conception faced already also govern our lifetime of the "earthly life and material life."

Supposedly one that will be our "on-time" while human existence in this "material life" as it is natural that each live as only time will "live."

Because it is an imperative of the human condition "live", the time which they are entitled (...), this is not any prediction much less "a destination".

However, and this is our view that we also do "our own destiny," frivolously or for any constraint consented to let us submit.

Time is "comparable" also a "conductor" of a finely tuned orchestra, because the likeness of a hierarchy, being the time at the top, clearly, it is "unprecedented priority" in our civilizational history.

And so we have seen parading before the time; epochs, eras, periods, centuries, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and even the moments are honed by his "tuning fork".

Indeed, the time is who subordinates the waiting bars in various aspects of our lives, for example: waiting for care in a "shop", or to be received in audience by someone, or hopefully not get the time that is labeled for X hours X minutes.

So is the time, also sometimes one who "enslaves" the moments when you wait for the appointed hour.

How often in life (...) we are waiting for someone who will come, but despair for waiting time.

And the unusual happens waiting for the waiting time. "Who expects despairs," says it popularly and then this waiting commits imbalances: by departing from the expected location, or because they are tired of waiting, or some other particular reason.

 then happens the "irretrievable", the mismatch the time waiting place, time was not met, and who hopes changed for the worse the meeting that could be (...) and is not, and only now the mismatch.

 Time transforms our "wasting time" as those who hope someone and was useless, did not appear in losses turn into gains, particularly because it is salvageable how we react and withdraw some "lesson".

These losses can determine our life path (...) the way we view life, the perseverance, selfless sacrifice, the daily struggle with the objective pursued by that we believe.

This evidence we noticed that the "fights" we have had were beneficial because they were built on a solid foundation, which survived these adversities.

It remains for us satisfaction because we realize that we who drove our "path" that each irretrievably have to do, despite the unpredictability of life to which we are subjected.

There are inexplicable paradoxes (...) that's why they exist, the complexity does not opening their understanding to be inaccessible.

Can not find a row in which lead us to establish a relationship, as a guide to expose some discussion aimed at clarifying all a dark horizon, which leaves his face not transpire clarity.

In extending a look with the purpose of reach, but the assertiveness that will gradually finding in life has been the balance as it also resides our hope.

Time is like the "Book of the secrets of life", with one condition: "live" under its auspices and understand that life is valid that this is the present and that each has the experience, after living a life "living."

So the expectation we can make a few considerations on our theme "irreversibility of time", made in this way. Antonio Cardoso

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