quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2016

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 186

In life and in time we realize that only one route is possible to carry forward certain continuity (...).

However following a different route is random who is from early assertively on the route.

Because a route is better than another, only missing the experience of living these realities and evaluate which one is the original, especially the security it provides.

 There are two ways to adapt to form what will be the route by which it has expressed a conviction that is gaining day after day.

further strengthening the opinion formed, which becomes solid by the facts and the reasons for which it is believed.

No doubt it is significant when we intend to demonstrate the differences that separate us or similarities in what we are and what unites us.

We find randomly a single path, which fades away in our organic constitution by being formed by body-matter, on the one hand.

And soul-spirit on the other hand, which means that these components belong to this being unique in its diversity which is indivisible.

It is the human species, subjected to "material life", because have to live as a physical stay an 'earthly life and material life "in this current situation, which is curiously the global space in which humanity lives.

Thus, in the time we live in and conditioned the transience of life, which is indeed a fact, if we consider that particular person can live a time X or Y, which varies markedly from person to person.

Indeed, the estimated time of material existence while remaining in a physical body, to live certain "material life" is not exhaustive, as the "math", but only the life that you have to live, but can be long or not.

So moving to a point where we can begin to eliminate many of the interior divisions, our subconscious will ask certain questions and some perplexities.

The development of these concerns are blurred in reality that as a human being is capable of "understanding" rational.

Above all, the only reason that the human personality without distinction composed of two parts.

Being the first is material, body-matter, perishable, and another part which is composed of soul or spirit.

Accordingly there remains only the experience of "life stuff", this current which we live.

Certainly, "extrapolating" to affirm the existence of another "dimension of life," it is certain that this material life ends when the bankruptcy of physical existence, which means when "someone" fails to live.

It is a paradox, talk of another reality (...) out of this current world we live in, but to aflorarmos certain complexity are aware that is our speech, in fact has been mentioned in this context above all defend "another dimension of life," not this is the current ..

The prevail that it is "another dimension of life" because this will end when bankruptcy of this physical life, which is subject to live a life in this material world.

So our speech, the expectation can leave some more insights on our theme "irreversibility of time," made this way. Antonio Cardoso

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