Time take us insight of ourselves, an inner self-observation to evaluate is indeed still underlie us or not these the values intrinsic qualities.
Self-knowledge that we inwardly is the benchmark by which you can analyze and enhance the concentration that is a state of consciousness, an absolute serenity, a mental state and specific psychological.
Especially for the collection and reflection that this delicate situation, in order that the absorbed contents fall within the individual that highlight their beliefs, mental images, visual and auditory memory, whose sensations and emotions translate tranquility.
Reflection on certain acts and caused actions of thoughtless way, acted without considering possible consequences of moral damage caused to hurt someone and collaterally aimed whole society.
The famous phrase "Know thyself" is yet inwardly recognize our tendencies, strengths and weaknesses, reasoning, concepts, emotions, before declining another responsibilities and not therefore our responsibility.
The decay of ethnic and moral principles which aims to reduce the integrity of the individual, turning into anarchic and irresponsible.
Discernment each day is essential to exercise introspection, as an examination of conscience, which the evaluation mechanism and connection on the main aspects of civility and sociability.
The dysfunctionality of conduct contrary to the paradigm that are statutory by laws and good rules as socially correct, anarchy and infringement of the concepts of ethnic and social values, habits and attitudes Cross societies.
The lack of strict compliance with orders dictates imply disorder and precipitation, creating a climate of instability of maintaining order and public tranquility.
Introspection is considered as the necessary approach to self-knowledge through which one comes to a particular conclusion.
The "mind" that is however an accumulation of inner experiences: one affectivity a oneness of consciousness.
Above all, because the psychology that aims to study the object of her search the individual is guaranteed the introspective process that provides know the interior of the individual have some insight into their intrinsic residual values.
We conclude that introspection is an experience that part of human life, can naturally be preceded from existential conflicts, constraints, cultural habits and customary.
With which the human mind wanders all these "ins and outs" to inquire of its truth (...).
The lack of objectivity to address these issues forum "intellectual" and consequently introspective is complex to establish any systematic and thorough mechanism where to start, since it is a field of "scientific knowledge" specific.
Because it should be noted that subjectivity is much easier to invoke, especially the lack of courage and straightforwardness of "existential conflict".
In some individuals are impervious to this discussion, particularly the incitement of "denude" something like that vasculhasse someone inside.
It is preferable to use the subjectivity not to touch certain character so it does not feel targeted and avoid the embarrassment of the situation.
The penetrating this field "complex" of psychological understanding, in which the "modern soul," especially the parameters mismatch that were effective as paradigms today undermined by intolerance and insensitivity.
Not being naturally considered as accepted, allowing the "free will" prevail the will of each, but a decent ethnic and moral values are housed as "identity" that preserve.
Achieving full this "crucial problem" that is intellectual and social is like "turn everything inside out", and lift the veil only "gradually" to minimize bias or concessions that may exist.
However the "peek" of a life "lived" (...), as a paradigm of this stigma, translated by negative experience, especially: the troubles, heartaches, sorrows and sufferings.
So our discourse sought the exact direction to leave a few considerations on the theme of "irreversibility of time." Antonio Cardoso
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