quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2016

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 249

Irreversibility has a definite objective to consume all "temporal space" because it is its mission that develops in time, a direct consequence.

His action on time is latent (...), although inexplicit, because it does not manifest itself clearly.

However, if we take into account that all "past time" is something that can not be reversed, by the phenomenon of irreversibility over time.

The irreversibility has no limits, it acts autonomously and its action is effective with the sole purpose of converting the moment that was ..., becoming inoperative because it is already irreversible.

The duration of the moment or moment becomes an instantaneous summit (...), by virtue of irreversibility, because every instant or moment is converted, in "past time."

Apart from this uniform criterion that irreversibility exercises over all "temporal space, it is worth highlighting the other moments of" relief ", which for this reason must constitute historical fact.

The irreversibility, with the purpose of safeguarding the "history" that is written every moment, once because it consumes the instants, the moments, being that these will constitute a certain historical collection and that for that reason they have unequal treatment.

This inequality is in relation to a particular person, who lives a moment or a singular moment, and which he has stored in his imaginary, being able to remember the reminiscence of that time as "past time", on the one hand.

On the other hand, it became the news, a remarkable event that fulfilled the requirements of this perfect trinity, time, time and place, and the fact inevitably constituted the "historical moment", which is expressed in the civilizational collection.

However, an inner reflection, an introspection that transports to certain reminiscences of the "past time" and we verify, above all that in a certain moment it was retained in the imaginary, incidentally for the overwhelming majority of people.

It is the growing faculty that takes hold of these moments in which one recognizes some dynamism, that expresses itself by a concrete activity, and remembers by the enterprising spirit of some energy.

The "past tense" indelibly recorded in memory, the occurrence of these facts, for being good times, are worthy of retaining them for the satisfaction of this past experience.

The attraction for certain times, curiously already a "past time", and other places where one walked, some of those places "lived" and rooted for some period of time that were simultaneously lived and "imagined before" and that occurred in reality .

It is a state of mind that remains still associated with certain experiences with manifestation of these good moments that life with some nostalgia are remembered.

In the life and in the time in which we live and linked still to the encounter of this "past time", that with the passing of time, also erasing, however, sometimes, these scenarios are present that reminds us of everything again.

So our speech in the intention of being able to leave some more perceptions on the subject the "irreversibility of the time", we did this way. António Cardoso

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