sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2016

"The irreversibility of time (...) 250

 The current conjuncture that surrounds our global space that is characterized by multiple setbacks, a whirlwind of obstacles and difficulties.

Above all, due to the multifaceted adversity of situations of falling problems, according to which, in particular: security, unemployment, promiscuity arising from the labor market and the consequent remaining doubt about the future.

It is these collateral damages that are sick in society and therefore transversal, that it is urgent to give a solution that aim at this concrete situation.

The time whose link with humanity is expressed by its intrinsic connection and whose complicity is a fact, a precedence unprecedented in our civilizational history.

However, the multiplication of problems and from whose tension no solution is seen, the stalemate remains the absence of these responses defer progress and development, as well as the welfare of the overwhelming majority of people.

Thus, the premise that "Time is money" because it prints a speed to the measure of this imperative, which in business and the like becomes currency, this material good so desirable.

Therefore, careful and responsible management requires the height of the desired high level expressed in the synchrony of the production and productivity of the products or services.

In fact, the pragmatism of these realities, deriving from the practical results that the materialist vision associated with the practice of this utility as a guarantee of success and immediacy.

This progress underscores the urgent decision of the problems that are the basis of its execution, being resolved by the scope of work in its generality, above all by the manifested dimension and the pattern of behavior and posture that these employers should have.

The political economy of these decisions focuses on the resolutions created for work, which express by their recognition, the well-being and healthy coexistence that are characterized in social progress.

In this context, a diversified list of workers is included in the labor activity, this employability for its timely intervention, which has become institutionalized, brought back to work a large number of those who remained inactive.

The effective insertion in the labor market, removed emerging problems that multiplied, for lack of solution whose inertia on the part of the institutions has degraded this situation.

In life and in the time in which we live, this whole situation is recurrent everywhere, the immediate situation of the problems and within this social context, in relation to work, due to the scarcity in its generality, is a fact on the one hand.

On the other hand, negatively contending for the abstraction of certain mechanisms, which were not activated in due time, because they would avoid some lack of control, which caused in people, social, moral and property damage.

This "scourge" caused numerous problems and the "deceleration" of growth and the economy, statistical parameters that were affected, on the one hand also the relocation of some companies by the absence of practical resolutions, to sustain the impact on employability.

In the expectation that our speech may leave some more considerations on the theme of "irreversibility of time," we did so. Antonio Cardoso

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