terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 303

The human species has the mission of representing itself in time, on the stage that is the global world where we stand, in which humanity in general and the person in particular, gives this image that reproduces in the life of each one, according to the path That fits him.

For it is in this "temporal space" that a person is conditioned, because he will have to live a "material life", being responsible for it and for the path he gives it.

However, those who by the misfortune of life have not been "fortunate" to lead their course, are exempted from this responsibility, having been ingloriously removed from the fellowship of mankind.

We refer those who by disastrous circumstances, arising from catastrophes and other situations whose outcome was fatal.

Yes, indeed, to those "unfortunates" marked by circumstantial inevitability, they can not, of course, be held responsible for an atypical course contrary to their wills.

It is true that these "unfortunates" could not enjoy the course, which according to which would determine their "passage", as physical existence, to live certain "material life."

That, however, came to be seen as tragic and fatal, as a physical existence linked to a permanence of "time of life" that person abruptly was interrupted, in view of its extinction which means to stop living.

This misfortune, something sinister, an irreversible event inherent in the human condition, certainly not for the best reasons, nor acceptable, but subject to this "unpredictability" that throws at exceptional and catastrophic circumstances.

In fact, "tragedy" describes something dramatic, a sad end that occurs in the life of people and in whose dimension of human existence is confused with this subtle disgrace that contrasts with the "luck and happiness" implicit to man and woman in the More intimate of itself.

From this expectation, from the meaning given to the world and life, to the present global space in which we live, we nourish the hope for happiness to live it coexisting, by the peaceful principle of its existence as necessary and unique, on the one hand.

On the other hand, because man and woman, time and the world around us, because, coexist, it means to exist simultaneously, which results from this opportunity of the experience that unites humanity to the world global space in which it lives in a "communion" already Established in time.

Therefore to live, is to guarantee the permanence in a given "temporal space" a certain "time of life" that is long as imperative of the human condition markedly by the eagerness and the pleasure of living.

This idea of ​​"prolonging" is convergent, so long as its physical existence is possible, humanity is aware of the "ephemerality of life".

However, it does not fail to maintain this design, more than an obsession, a "latent" yet healthy and legitimate passion the noble feeling for life

Thus, in the expectation of being able to leave some more considerations on our theme the "irreversibility of time". António Cardoso

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