quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2017

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 291

Time is the resemblance of a circuit that has as a point of reference the trajectory of a course coordinated by an activity that develops around it.

However, not in a closed space but circumscribed to a permanence of time that "someone" has to live.

This permanence of temporal space that is expressed in time of life that "someone" has to live, especially a limitation of a certain time, as a physical existence linked to a material body.

The conception of "life" is that it is ephemeral, as well as being evidence it is something that has been transmitted as true and irreversible and which passes from generation to generation.

This definition is not exaggerated, but something concrete and real and that is why it is expressed by the authenticity of the manifestation that humanity has as tangible in its historical process, as a perception of its rational and logical understanding.

It is in fact a limited survival if we consider the temporal existence of "someone" a variable life span that is conditioned from person to person, clearly because no one lives the time he wants.

The close ties to life we ​​live, characterized by diverse relationships, in family, work, friends and other relationships this ability to establish these bonds form the identity of humanity and the particular person.

They are characteristics inherited from a past combined with the present that are united by something that reinforces and unites, translated by tradition as values ​​to be preserved: reciprocity, and the collective feeling of solidarity, and the spirit of cooperation.

It is comforting to a person to feel the permanence in the time that prolongs, which means greater longevity, therefore lives more time, providing stability.

Contrary to the negative connotation, which is translated by the vertiginous fleetingness of an infallible fate ever closer and irreversible.

This anxiety to live is intense because it manifests itself in acts and actions translated by a diversified range of personal and professional achievements, which allows us to reverse some nostalgia that is related to "existential finitude", embodied by the organic bankruptcy that is a condition of humanity .

The human species is thus conditioned to live a "material life" that has as its material and organic basis, and the failure of the latter is to say that a certain person ceases to live.

Therefore, to live a "material life", while physical existence is the susceptibility of the material conditioning, of which human specificity is submitted.

This imperative to live a "material life", conditioned to a determined time of permanence of life, in temporal space that is the present world in which we live.

It means that mankind is organically composed of perishable body-matter, and that the consequent degradation of matter is an unavoidable fact.

Conscious of this irreversible presupposition, it is for "human specificity" to live clearly the "material life" that it will have, because when organic bankruptcy occurs, it will know that it will cease to live.

Thus, in the expectation that our discourse may leave some more considerations on the subject the "irreversibility of time," we did so. António Cardoso.

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