domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2017

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 288

Human life is conditioned by its "material condition" that mankind is thus constituted organically by perishable body-matter, on the one hand.

On the other hand, it is also conditioned by a series of constraints linked to the environment where it is inserted, namely, place, belief, custom and custom, descent or linked to some political-cultural ideological system.

Such a dependence (...) which decisively influences favor or against a range of circumstances, according to which they fix imperatively certain course (...), a certain orientation or direction.

This subtraction by the appetite and will for something (...) is overvalued by the contrariness that affects a certain person that neutralizes a certain vocation, a natural predisposition that is altered by the exacerbated prejudice and impediment of pursuing a certain course (...).

It is by investing in content that we are ourselves, that it is possible to achieve certain goals, especially by change, something that changes substantially, a path that means a complete revolution three hundred and sixty degrees, something that has changed radically.

An opportunity must capture this "choice" that will certainly lead to a certain goal, or lack of practical implementation of this goal, who knows or other "similar" that fits.

It is not mere chance, it is necessary to take coincident steps that lead to the de facto situation, but also the purpose that develops on the basis of understanding and the strong nature of character.

Time as a narrative of the "someone" story, challenges us to show that the paradigm shift, above all by the conception of a "real time", which is the life of "someone" that is at stake and the stories that are The political matrix of an ideology.

An obstacle, rarely transposable above all by the diversified nature and other underlying conjunctural contingencies, and of "one-time" ideas, yet with the approach that is subjugated to it by convictions and dogmas.

A period that goes against a conventional structure that is characterized by something that follows a certain norm, certain uses and customs that are maintained and rooted in time.

It is therefore a concept that perpetuates itself in time and makes its followers, by their strict obedience to these rites and canons, a culture rooted in the time and that assumes by its definition, according to the knowledge of the time that is based and the respect for the Their ancestors.

The interpretation of this contemporary time, linear and historical, physical or psychological, however, is to understand the requirement of this substrate something that is intrinsically linked to a whole experience, expressed in the established practice of these rites and cults that marked its foundations as the basis of this influence .

In fact, to live a "time" marked by this conditionality and vicissitude, is to problematize the presence of a series of difficulties and obstacles that are integrated in the "history of that time", period difficult mainly by the existing temporal conception.

That "someone" internalizes for representing an aspiration, allied to an inner conviction, yet hostage of a historical past in which it is confronted.

The change of this model that he desires ardently becomes imperative and increasingly he sees that it is possible to "break" with these rules, especially since the relationship he maintains with them is already more flexible.

That gradually begins to believe that he can see himself "free" from the burden of this obligation as a ritual practice of his ancestors.

Thus, in the expectation that our discourse may leave some more considerations on the subject the irreversibility of time, "we did this way. António Cardoso

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