"The irreversibility of time" (...) 150
It is the time when all situations occur, even the most unpredictable, especially the result of its inevitability (...).
Time is irreversible it does not stop to contemplate the pros and cons of the various situations that occur on our planet, and brings its complement that is the "irreversibility".
It should be noted that the movement of circularity described by time in its path is captured by the "irreversible" it will now drastically absorbing moments and moments to make this tiny "temporal quantity."
The consumption of these spaces of time, now, moments and times, absorbed by irreversibility, are continuously replenished constantly and gradually, as a "renew" a careful multiplication maintaining the same "temporal greatness."
However, it is no coincidence "fatal" irreversibility, it exists in fact, as we have said is the complement of the time, part of it, a specificity annexed to it.
We think there own times, as there are obviously unique and of great impact and awareness events, because everything happens (...) under strong pressure imperative that contingency.
Other events take place, including the cause and effect is true elógico, and as an example the force of gravity, "let the glass fall."
The laws of nature determines the cause of a series of events, to the extent of "immeasurable time," in which we participate in it, however we stopped in this way, as time continues its endless path (...)
What we mean is that conditional on a period of time to live, means even say that each live time X, which varies from individual to individual as undergoing a body-matter, perishable, especially because we are conditioned to a "life material".
And it is as the name indicates whether it is "material," subject to natural laws, hence the degradation of the matter is a reality.
Now, if we humans, organically formed by body-matter, perishable subject to these natural laws will have to "live time" while we remain in the body-matter.
The vision we have and we refer to our previous excerpts, is that this body-matter, is a part of our body composition because the other party that is "soul-spirit" is supernatural exempt from natural laws, this shall prevail.
Since we often talk about this material life in which we have the experience, but the other is still new, they say our interlocutors (...)
Thus necessarily will have to live this "life stuff", and completed this, another dimension of life occur.
Precisely because of its complexity has not been peaceful address this issue, however superficially refer this complex reality, for its "inaccessibility" to invoke enigmatic outlines that a large "forum" interlocutors are reticent (...), as the truth these issues.
So our discourse sought the right way to make a few considerations on the subject the irreversibility of time. Antonio Cardoso
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